(can you guess what i'm eating? for a clue, go here)
it was a week ago almost exactly, a night of bruised skies and...
~ did YOU know bruises could be beautiful?
well, they CAN!
the fitzroy sky that night was brilliantly pinkpurple and heavy as i sat on my front step talking to the joogling star in ooh ah portslade by the sea dah~ling.
until i realised with a sudden panic i was supposed to be at THE pub.
(can't get that stoopic pic to work without it ruining the rest of the post ~ I.GIVE.UP.)
today smells like nasty and grammatically incorrect letters in telstra envelopes and i don't want to test the power of prayer coz i don't believe in ANYTHING today (except hommus).
BUT BUt But but, i AM off to rainbow in about fifty minutes. getting in a station wagon with miss slingshot from abbotsford. going to pick up a adambgood from the airport. am DETERMINED to come home in a better mood than this.
it's now time for you all to go away. oh sorry, i mean go visit and say thanks/give spanks (your choice) to THE monsieur le raquetti rak, deliverer of photos and sharer of pizza n beer not-so-plenty.
i hope YOU have a nice weekend. without ME.
1 comment:
hey dr,
not being such a big doctor who fan, i had to google tardis to know what you were talking about!
now that i know it's a "the Doctor's method of travel through both time and space - all Gallifreyan Time Lords use TARDISes for getting from A to B - and from then to now," i can tell you for certain that you are WRONG!
the tardis is simply the method of travel, well, that's what i figure anyway. maybe go here for more info: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/tardiscam/intro.shtml
oh, and do i KNOW you???
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