yeh, so it's late~ish on friday night and everyone who's anyone in chaos house is already sleeping. fugazi and supermum have got an excuse, they're heading off to italy at 2am. but me, well, i couldn't be arsed going out to the goa party that stephan called me about tonight. just couldn't face the bus slash u-bahn shemozzle to be honest. and, my seesaw-atop-a-rollercoaster-on-the-edge-of-the-ravine-over-the-void-of-the
-indefinable-future week has been a bit much for leetle ole me.
but, first things first, congratu-spatu-fatu-farking-superfantastic-lations to poppadaddysupapaddy and the uberlubblylisa for the six week early appearance of the healthily adorable aurora jane!! sorry if you can't handle the gushiness but i've moved onto a stiegl now and there aint no holding me back...
(the proud grandfather and impatient aurora jane ~ sorry they're a bit squished, i couldn't resize the picture properly)
...cept p'rhaps that damn big nasty looking eight-legged so-and-so that's crawling right by me looking rather deadly...deep breath squeonie, gulp that stiegl and keep your feet up high...katie! i think it's the same one!! and now it's disappeared back down to the nether regions where, unfortunately, i have to stand at some stage...okay, more breathing, have to cope, haven't blogged for way too long.
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