Monday, May 30, 2005


i'm here, it's hot, sqodge left amid nemnoshka tears yestereve.  tomorrow tanuka, yura and i head back to kiev.  bye bye nikolayevka.  can't see through the fog of brekkie shots to describe it properly for you right now.  suffice to say,  it's hard to get clean and impossible to cool down.  if you don't want samagon (home brew), you get vodka, if you don't want vodka, you get beer, if you don't want beer, you get rumcola, if you don't want that you might get wine.  the options are: drink or drink.  and people insist on giving you presents which is kinda nice but somewhat guilt inducing.  my plans are still changing every day so i wont bother trying to explain where they're at now.  i don't mind the wandering around at night, finding yozhik (hedgehogs) n stuff  but the mornings...let's not get into that.  back in vienna on the 5th or 6th of june.  after my detox (yea right!), i'll updaytcha xx

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