Saturday, September 02, 2006

wondering wandering in hopeless night

feeling anything but hopeless
(apart from the saga of logging into this blog)

this blog which was supposed to be a travel blog.

but, after a bike journey from collingwood to north fitzroy this afternoon with D, i've decided that "journeys" is a more suitable all-encompassing term by which i can get back to blogging without necessarily leaving my boudoir!

or perhaps i can just as easily extend the concept of travel to include non-intergalactic trips...and perhaps, if i'm honest, i'm enthused to blog again because i'm less revolted by my various personas, this one included.

this week has been full of journeys of the bicicular kind (oh, won't someone please help me find the word that means "of, or relating to, bicyles"? i'm sure it's out there somewhere...)

but yes, i have been cycling. a little reluctantly, but i've made three complete journeys this week. two big efforts, from collingwood to footascray and return. and one less so, east fitzroy to north fitzroy and return.

but i tell ya, hard work or no, t'has been the most lovely kind of challenge i've faced in recent times. despite the a) unwelcoming attachment of my decidedly unporous girlie bag to my rather damp back yestereve and b) chill wind that picked up just as dusk started to fall and i was passing through the edinburgh gardens.

so, should you ever need to cycle from collingwood to footascray, i highly recommend taking the slightly longer but ever so much lovelier paths along park street, north fitzroy to the capital city trail and sticking to the moonee ponds creek and maribyrnong river trails as much as possible.

yes, i felt i had much more to say when i started this post but my inspiration seems to have evaporated. and the act of being horizontal seems to have induced extreme drowsiness. i wonder do i have time for a nap...

fare thee well, i shall try.