Thursday, January 06, 2005


mr high jinks emailed this pic to me (and others) on new year's eve day.

IF I'D SEEN it at the time i'm sure it would have made me feel less cynical than it makes me feel now.

but maybe that's coz i was being overly optimistic about new year's anyway.

there have been a few underlying shiteful things going on in recent times and i haven't made even a vague attempt to address them.

this means, as could only be expected, that they have morphed into what feels like an insurmountable leaning tower of friendlessness.

oh, i KNOW i'm exaggerating. and i KNOW that there are much more shiteful things going on in the world for many hundreds of thousands of people.

i just feel a bit sad. but this aint fishing for nothin, this is just self-expression, albeit self-absorbed self-expression.

let's see what blossoms in 2005!

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