Thursday, February 03, 2005

analysis paralysis?

i can't remember how it came up but i guess it doesn't really matter.

zoe said it wasn't a "condition" but this site seems to think differently...although, they probably DO make a shiteload of money out of making people believe they have mental health problems.

yea, so apparently analysis paralysis is an irrational fear which can stem from a variety of past experiences and have a crippling effect on someone's life ~ yea, like mine! nah, i'm only being half-serious, i don't analyse my decisions hardly at all, only past events so i'm pretty safe methinks (according to bec i've probably just got a mild case of post-action analysis atrophy).

but wait...

it also says that i may feel like i am in an annoying state of limbo! THAT'S TOTALLY ME!

so here's the crippling effects:
  • you tend to veer away from positions of more responsibility or authority, so you often fail to reach your career potential [oh yea, so THAT'S why i'm determined to stay in this dead-end telstra job].

  • you may be afraid of making an error in judgment when it comes to romantic relationships - so you don't commit. [this is SO not me, i even commit to NON relationships!]

  • you are afraid of truly parenting your children, because you don't want to repeat mistakes or make new ones [yep, lucky i *hate* kids, ain'it?].
  • you can't make large purchases like a car, furniture, house, etc because you are afraid of making the wrong selection [nope, it's just coz i haven't got any money]. you possibly research these items over and over, but still never make a decision [nope, just spend all day researching my potentially crippling mental health issues]. so your [sic] there are gaping holes in your life. Unpainted walls. Empty rooms. Etc. [nah, my room's really expletively cluttered actually and sqodge just painted the lounge on new year's. no holes there.]

  • you may be still searching for your mission in life and not because you just have no idea what you are good at, but because you are good at several things and are afraid to choose one thing to focus your career on. [yea, i'm SO expletively AWESOME at EVERYTHING, orright?!]

  • there are many other ways analysis paralysis can affect lives. these are just examples of some of the ways it can. if this sounds like you, your life may feel like your are in an annoying state of limbo. so you need to ask yourself how you arrived to this place? what do you believe is the underlying reason for your inability to trust yourself? now turn that voice off and turn your life around.

    why do i feel like i'm watching daytime teevil??

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